Thursday, May 7, 2009

H ..sessions, G..sessions , J.. sessions

Hi !

Care to know about H , G or J ? Holidays ..Gaming and Java...simple enough !

I woke up late , unexpectedly, had a very bad download speed, got bugged by the system restart and automatic updates, ... and so on . But pessimism has a limit too .

I had peace of mind finally, as this was the beginning of a 5 day endeavor into Java Server Pages.
I still had one more thing to do first before i started studying ... LAN Gaming !!

I called my friends to get ready for the gaming sessions, for which they were less than enthusiastic , and they even stayed in bed till 10.oo am ! Despite this, I packed my laptop and reached my friends house by 10.30.

We installed Ghost Recon advanced warfighter, and played it a couple of times. The big downside of the game was that it had to be restarted after every match. This consumed most of our time.

We managed to play till 2.00 , during which I tried installing Visual Studio 2008 ( His copy on a very nice sony DVD , packed in a Sony Case). Finally, we met our school friend on the way home, and had a chat in the hot afternoon sun for a few min.

I readched home on his 'bike' , and he left to buy a HDMI cable at Koti. Expensive Stuff.
When i got inside, my brother pounced on me, demanding an explaination for why i had taken his keyboard and mouse, along with the USB connector.

I explained in a 'gruff' manner, reasoning that it was necessary for gameplay, and then I came into my room. Installed Net Beans in the system.

One major problem with it is that it is not supporting 32 bit apps efficiently. Hope that the service packs amend it satisfactorily !

I sat down , read JSP's for a few min , then checked installation progress, and read it for a few more min. I didn't have the resistance to stay away from STm, and i read a part of one unit today !

I plan on completing STM tomorrow ! Since i have already ''gamed '' a lot, I will read the rest of the two days for competitive exams ( You know what i am talking about !! )

The Day ends... Night begins ... and gives way to Twilight !! My Vampire instincts tell me its dinner time ! Be careful ;) !

P.S : I had a few sessions with Picasa photo capture tool, and the results were superb. Will post them on orkut ...! Goodbye for now !



ChocoBoy's Personal Life