Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Chocolates and twilight and lots of stuff

Hi ppl !
Its been a long time since i blogged. That means i missed a lot of opportunities..right ?

Lots of things have happened the last month.

1.I made lots of friends
( "seriously", "curiously", and lots of people whom i didn't keep nicknames for)
2.I developed a site in Joomla
3.I bought web space for 1 month
4. Actively organized our college fest
5. Read Twilight series and watched the movie
6. Ate lots of home made chocolates
7. Got sick and stayed home for a week
8. screwed up the internal exams badly.. but still managed to get a good score
9. Promised myself yet again that i am going to blog.
10. Bought two new pairs of jeans ( i used to wear only formals till now )
11. Roamed half of the city for sponsors for the fest.
12. Started painting .. tried with the water colors.. learning slowly .
13. visited my facebook, orkut profiles again...

The most interesting experience among all has been Twilight.
I never thought such interest would come again after harry potter or Lord of the rings.. But then...
I read all four of the books in 2 days.. no sleep.. no rest.. so much that my mom made me eat food forcibly ..( i was in no position to leave the book and go to the dining table)

Now i have got exams from 27th, so i should read my engineering subjects. Nobody wants to mess these up !
And as far as chocolates are concerned, i am eating at least one daily,whether it is in the chocolate form or in the ice cream form.

My intuition tells me to stop now.. or else you will lose interest. Bye for now .

ChocoBoy's Personal Life