Saturday, July 11, 2009

Time Constraints ... Blogging addicts

Guess i should be consistent in posting things. I was actually a bit "busy" ...Well, actually i was procrastinating, and i have got nobody to blame.

Really, clearing the conscience can bring a great amount of relief, as i observed several times in my childhood. I am totally honest with everyone only because of my experiences. If i have anything to comment, i do it directly on the face, all my opinions are direct, and i always tend to forgive n forget.

After all , I have more things to do than bearing malice to the society. In this regard, i will say one last thing -- I think the society ( atleast the one closely involving me) can be convinced with reasoning.

I make friends with everyone, no doubt, but i do tend to linger more with those who have similar thoughts, habits or patterns as i do. This actually enhances the degree of understanding we have with each other, building up trust, and of course, the much needed competitive spirit.

There have been a lot of unfortunate events recently in the circle of friends i have. Some of them have even met with serious accidents.
For instance, consider Sanga Nikhil.
He was slated to go on a tour, but fell victim to the hazards of 2 wheeler travel.
He had an accident resulting in a broken nose, a clot in the head, blackout for 2 days, a bout of fits, and continuous medication in the hospital.

I wont condemn or exalt private transport in 2 wheelers, but i leave it to your own discretion whether or not to embrace such a hazardous( in the present road-congestion-accident viewpoint) mode of travel.

My project is nearing completion. Letz hope it rocks...

ChocoBoy's Personal Life