Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Me and this XPS !!

Hi ppl! today, i had trouble with my laptop as usual ! first i tried booting it in Fedora, but it started out only in the verbose mode ! Then i had to start up my vista and search the net for articles on how to change the verbose mode to xwindows.

After a long search, I found out that changing the initird file in the /etc/ directory would change the it to the gui mode. And what do you expect ? I logged into the verbose mode and tried editing the initird file ! but guess what happened ? I forgot how to operate the vi editor it was total shame for me, a CS Engineer not to properly remember the basic Linux vi commands.

But i was not one to be put off with such a small problem ! i successfully typed help vi, and read all the instructions !! thanks to those ppl!

By the way, I am still at niit ! so dont expect me to sound much coherent , but i am still going to write my third certification exam tomorrow !! Bye ! i've got a class to attend

Monday, October 20, 2008


Hi ppl!
In this world dominated entirely by mortal concerns , it pains me to hear that people are not skilled enough to make use of their own physical capabilities, wasting away their life and fitness in a couch or a comfy chair.

I unwittingly was a part of this society until now, which led me into believing that I was a right hander ! Then what about my poor left hand ? Why was it forced to do only the menial and mundane jobs !

Just because some fool was incapable of doing a job correctly doesn't mean the job cant be done!
In this specific case, the fool here is the world, which has long lost its capability to function normally with both its hand.

This is not only true in the metaphorical sense, but also in reality. The inequality in the human society has drastically increased , and so have the economic rifts.
The very terms "right hand" in the context of a person means that he is a staunch supporter, thereby suggesting the undue importance given to right handedness.

I do wish to reform myself and thus , i will proceed further on the path to ambidexterity !This decision is my own, and I cherish it as deeply as my decision to succeed! I shall resume my endeavors at a later date, and you will find me either in great plight or great delight !

There's another reason for this seemingly strange activity. Ambidexterity promotes the analytical and logical thoughts of the brain, thus easing the life ! So i feel that it must be a great experience to fully use both parts of my tiny brain :-)

P.S : As a beginner's exercise, i typed the entire article with my left hand !!

ChocoBoy's Personal Life